Disaster Recovery Help for Homeowners and Renters
Source of Information: Fannie Mae
Disaster Recovery Help for Homeowners and Renters
Communities impacted by natural disasters and other difficult circumstances such as COVID-19 (coronavirus) can face significant housing, financial, and emotional challenges. Whether you’re struggling to pay your rent or your mortgage — you’re not alone!
Fannie Mae’s Disaster Response Network™ is here to help. Its HUD-approved housing counselors can develop a personalized action plan, explain mortgage relief programs, provide financial coaching, and support clients’ successful recovery for up to 18 months. It’s our way of supporting safe, sustainable housing for the homeowners and renters we serve.
COVID-19 Assistance
If you’re a homeowner, use our Loan Lookup Tool to see if Fannie Mae owns your loan. If so, you can call our Disaster Response Network using the number on the screen or request an appointment online for free assistance.
If you’re a renter in an apartment or other multifamily housing with 5 or more units, use our Renters Resource Finder to access our Disaster Response Network or other helpful resources to address your financial situation.
Disaster Assistance
If your housing or place of employment were impacted by a fire, flood, storm, or other disaster within a FEMA-declared zone, you can get free personalized recovery assistance through our Disaster Response Network.
Its HUD-approved housing counselors can help you plan and tackle challenges such as working with your mortgage company to determine foreclosure prevention options or identifying financial or housing-related assistance available to renters.
Additional resources
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD): www.hud.gov
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA): www.disasterassistance.gov
American Red Cross: 1-800-733-2767
Other Links to Useful Resources: Provide links to relevant websites and phone numbers for disaster relief assistance, such as:
- Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA): https://www.fema.gov/
- Fannie Mae Disaster Relief: https://www.freddiemac.com/about/hurricane-relief
- Freddie Mac Disaster Relief: https://sf.freddiemac.com/faqs/covid-19-servicing-forbearance-faq
- National Consumer Law Center: https://www.nclc.org/topic/disaster-relief/